brought an extra bag to take gifts back.
This place is out of a storybook. It is surrounded by a river that
also snakes through the center of town.
Heading to the Castle
It looks like the Castle was carved out of stone.
There are two bells, side by side.
Notice the skeletal remains on the floor of the Tower Dungeon.
There were 162 steps to the top. Great bun burner.
Steve is the little figure setting at the tree. That is how far up we were.
He was enjoying the little rest from all the walking we had done.
Lots of shops and restaurants lined the streets.
This is one of the many Torture Museums
Another Czech meal!
We celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary! It has been the best!
The average person here in the Czech Republic
drinks 162 Liters of beer per year!
It snowed on the way back to Wiesbaden.
To see a more detailed version of our trip to the Czech Republic click here to see Stephanie's Blog.
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